Old man jankins

From the Stone's Throw Gazette:

Jerome Jankins never married or had any children of his own. He lived in his big two-story house alone with his cats. Although Mr. Jankins didn’t have any kids, he loved children.

Every Christmas, Mr. Jankins would dress up as Santa Claus and visit Stone’s Throw orphanage to pass out gifts to the children. No one knew how Mr. Jankins obtained his wealth, but he was wealthy and very giving.

Every Halloween, Mr. Jankins would have the best decorations in town. He’d turn his home into a haunted house for the kids to tour. For years, this was a tradition here in Stone’s Throw. Many people considered Mr. Jankins a saint.

However, that praise quickly changed one Halloween when little Jason Michaels went missing.

Jason was only twelve years old. When he didn’t come home that night, his parents contacted his friend. Jason’s friend said they were set to go to Mr. Jankins haunted house, but he was unable to go that night because he was grounded. So, Jason said he was going on his own.

The next day, the police conducted a search of Mr. Jankins house but there was no sign of Jason. One of the officers felt uneasiness while in the house and decided to do his own investigation. He started looking at reports of missing children around Stone’s Throw.

He learned that each year, on Halloween and Christmas, a child went missing. What made it even more bizarre, was the fact that the Christmas children always came up missing from the orphanage that Mr. Jankins visited.

Mr. Jankins swore to his innocence but believed whoever was responsible should pay the ultimate price.

That following Halloween, Mr. Jankins opened his haunted house, but no one attended. In the middle of the night, someone set Mr. Jankins house on fire, and it burned to the ground. People claimed they heard the sound of cats screaming in the night air.

The next morning, after the fire had stopped, first responders checked the rubble. There were no signs of Mr. Jankins or his cats. But they did find something strange on the wall in basement. This was the only spot that did not burn. There was a pentagram drawn in blood. Upon testing the blood, it was revealed that the blood belonged to Mr. Jankins.

No one knows what happened to Mr. Jankins or his cats. Every Halloween, a thick patch of fog forms on the land where Mr. Jankins house once stood. People say if you look closely into the fog, you can see the shadowy figure of an old man holding a cat.